Today was ACLS and we shortened our own day and took off to watch a show but horror of horrors we didnt know it was gonna be pysch thriller - we had a false alarm cos we thought it was horror (enough of it at work later, as we come to discover). We were frightened to bits initially. (yeah we're quite humji). Shutter Island is not as intelligent or stimulating as it could have been, and reminds me vaguely of a Beautiful Mind, but the latter was much more convincing. Yeah this entry is way overdue as Shutter Island is way off the radar in the cinema screens. At this moment of time i've yet to watch Ironman/Shrek yet and Robin Hood was not great. And at this moment of time I still need to clear blardi ATLS test. I can't wait for June when the take and call system changes and my life can be less horrifying.
After the movie, we went to Burger Bench and Bar (Level 1 Cineleisure Orchard) my favourite burger place. The day before I watched Prince of Tears with mei and we passed by and when i saw Soft Shell Crab burger I knew we must must come by to try! (didnt expect it to be so stat)
The chilli soft shell crab burger is a mind blowing burger simply cos its ingenious !! I mean, who'd have imagined right?? Its always wrapped up in rice and seaweed. It is such an amazing patty cos of the crisp and crackle of the soft shell crab and its tender sweet crab meat within. And the chilli crab sauce is pretty good as well. I thought of Yella Fella's chilli crab fries for a while lol. I miss you Yella Fellas.
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