It was a great Sunday when I ended early - it was a bad take but J and I both came down so we were done so quick it was all the changes done before breakfast. I still went to eat the canteen breakfast (daily dose of thosai is a must these days) and short went off to church. I took a cab back to get the car from which I loaded my blades etc and rushed off to pick short from hyatt and off to Pamplemousse (Block 7, Dempsey Road) where I would meet my surprise guest. It was another surprise meeeting Chris there too.
Loved the ruckus of stories to hear, missed our old company loads. Kheng went off to get loafers while I had another failed attempt to get my size 10s as well. Least I picked up my folli follie's, and headed to blade. The joy of brunch on a Sunday;)
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