It was quite a night; started with a l neck case, after which a vasc angio for nec fasc/isch took effectively the chunk of the night before we could begin the lap appendix and i finally gotta do almost everything myself for the open under the watchful eyes of miss l;) that was the adrenaline rush for the night. So by morning and the surge of day surg cases, I was in deep need for meat.
After the very long dual lumps (haha), we had a late lunch at Miss U Cafe - Actually wanted to check out the Jap place next door, but most of it on the stretch including Foo House was closed so we settled for here. Had the Miss U Sampler, and soft shell crabs to share. Fried food really tastes so good after a call, esp off the frier (not cold kfc!!). This consisted of wedges, popcorn chicken, calamari and the last item I couldnt reach right at the end (yes, no chance to get to it before it was gone!!)

My very dimly litted
Herb crusted salmon - this was really crisp, dusted with crumbs, and divine with the sweet barbeque sauce. Just wished the slab of salmon never ended..... LS ordered bulgogi, while D and S had chicken, XL had seafood pasta, and XT had the the salmon too, but in mango sauce.
Day kinda ended there and then with exits at the restaurant, but had to come back to get the rest of my call things still in the room. We were the last customers to leave the place, but no pressure... great service there, with good food to boost. Good start to the weekend indeed - can forsee a weekend of meat and fries !!
On a side note, The particular sadness of Lemon cake is a really quaint book.. How interesting it must be to convey emotions via taste ! Mmm..